Assignment 1 :

  1. What is Computer network?
  2. Explain types of computer network
  3. write a short note on Topologies.
  4. What is Internet?
  5. Give detail about history of Internet.
Assignment 2 :

  1. What is HTML? Explain tags terminology
  2. Explain Skeleton of HTML.
  3. Explain following tags  and its attributes with suitable example.
    1. <P>  , <br> , <hr>
    2. <marquee> , <strong>
    3. <b>, <i> , <u>
    4. Heading tags <h1> to  <h6>
Assignment 3 :
  1. Explain following tags and its attributes  with suitable example.
    1. <font> , <em> , <strike> , <s>
    2. <big> , < small> , <strong> , <tt>
    3. <blockquote> , <centre> , <Address> , <pre>
    4. <sub> , < sup> 
  2. Explain List Tags with proper example (ordered list, Unordered list, Definition list , Nested list )
  3. Give detail description on Special characters.
  4. Write a detailed note on Link Tags (Internal & External).
  5. Explain Images in HTML.

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